
[Publisher] 4 contributions to the commercial team

Navegg has developed its resources thinking about the needs of its customers. In this post, we list four ways to use these resources to collaborate with the strategies of your commercial team.

1 – Do deals based on data.

In other words, sell inventory based on the audience profile rather than by context. As we saw in the post The solution for the remaining inventory, the problem with this type of inventory – different from premium inventory – is that, it has a generic public and, therefore, marketing is more difficult. Data from Navegg transforms this generic public into specific inventories, which facilitates marketing by arousing more interest from buyers. Moreover, as the inventory is qualified, these spaces can be sold at a higher CPM.

2 – Know the volume of an audience profile before running your campaign.

The Navegg platform has a feature where a particular audience can be filtered and you know in advance what volume of people will be reached when the campaign for this audience goes live. This information can be added to your business proposal, making it even more persuasive.

3 – Install a custom media kit quickly.

The Navegg platform assembles a media kit to be made available on a website or sent to a client, in minutes. In fact, if this is the case, the trick would be to create a specific document for the industry of that client or a specialized booklet. In this way, you show the profile of the audience of a given section of your site and/or present a detailed profile of the audience of that industry.

This is the biggest differential with the Media Kits generated by our platform: They go beyond demographics. It is a richer media kit, with deeper and more detailed information about an audience. Data on what the interests of these people are, which products they buy, what technologies they use, whether or not they are people who buy more through reason or through emotion, what their buying behavior is in any industry in the market and etc.

4 – Offer lookalike for your advertisers.

Combining audience profile and context, the Navegg platform generates three options with combinations of: segments of interests, products with high affinity rates and volume. They come ready-made to be exported to the Adserver.


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