
Navegg solutions for online advertising fraud

A campaign goes on the air and instead of reaching humans, it impacts robots. This type of online activity, online advertising fraud, unfortunately, is the work of people with malicious intent. It moves millions in Brazil and around the world and is characterized by inflating the number of ad impressions, forging clicks and getting advertisers to pay for interactions that are not real. In 2025, companies are expecting to spend $ 50 billion USD a year on fraudulent ads. In order to combat online advertising fraud, Navegg has created VHT (Verified HumanTraffic).


What is Navegg’s VHT and how does it combat online advertising fraud?

VHT is an audience segment that guarantees the advertiser, that only people will see your ad. Bot networks are created to mimic human behavior and perform specific actions. For example, clicking a banner or viewing a video. As Navegg knows the navigation behavior of 400 million Internet users on all the devices they use, it is possible to differentiate human navigation from the typical navigation of robots. “We work to affirm human navigational behavior and not the contrary,” explains Luciano Juvinsky, MD at Navegg.



The benefits for publishers and programmatic platforms.

When online advertising fraud happens, the reputation of the vehicle or platform is compromised. For this reason, the biggest benefit for publishers using VHT is maintaining trust with agencies and advertisers. Also, the fewer incidences of online advertising fraud that happens with your inventory, the more whitelists listings it will have.


The benefits for advertisers

Advertisers are the ones who suffer the most from fraud. After all, it’s their media investment that goes into the pockets of criminals rather than being effectively used in campaigns. So, in short, the benefit of VHT for advertisers is the assurance that their investments were allocated to impact their consumers.

In addition, with Navegg’s DMP (Data Management Platform), the advertiser can install a pixel in their campaigns to audit and analyze the quality of inventory purchased. The technology even works as a response to viewability metrics simulation.


How to use VHT?

VHT can be used in two ways:

  1. Using Navegg data. All Navegg data already comes with this applied criterion. That is, when a campaign runs with Navegg data – independent of which programmatic platform or vehicle – it is already protected from fraud.
  2. Combining VHT with segments from other data providers. The audience segment is independent. This means that it can be used on any programmatic media platform that is integrated with Navegg, combined with any other type of data. To segment a campaign, simply select all the features you want and add Verified Human Traffic, which is already available for use.

Navegg’s VHT was created to combat online advertising fraud and make digital life more intelligent. Even with the use of audience segmentation, it is important that vehicles, agencies and advertisers, platforms and suppliers stay engaged in this battle and constantly learn more on the subject.