Implementing SDK iOS Navegg’s technology

Integration with Navegg technology is simple and happens by inserting the SDK into the application. It is highly advisable that a professional with programming knowledge to participate in this stage. The following is the SDK implementation:

Version: 1.1.11

An SDK is available as “NaveggSdkIOS” in CocoaPods. NaveggSdkIOS

Quick Start

1. Cocoapods

Add the dependecie in PodFile.

pod 'NaveggSdkIOS', '~> 1.1.11'

Update the repository and install any dependencies.

pod repo update 
pod install

2. Insert import in the class:

import SdkNaveggIOS

3. After the import, declare the API NaveggApi and instantiate new NaveggApi that has two parameters, NaveggApi(Cod,Context).

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  • Added the code to set OnBoarding:.

nav.setOnboarding(key: "#param", value: "#value")

Onboarding allows create a relation in database that syncs 1st party keys and 3rd party key.

Parameter “param” values:
prtusride – Email
prtusridc – Personal ID 1 (e.g. SSN);
prtusridr – Personal ID 2 (e.g. DMV);
prtusridt – Phone number;
prtusridf – User’s 1st party ID key;

Parameter “value” is require convert to HASH.



  • Added the code to get data of the user.

nav.getSegments(segments: "#Criteria")

The name of the segments criterias used to passed to parameter:

“gender”, “age”, “education”, “marital”, “income”, “city”, “region”, “country”, “connection”, “brand”, “product”, “interest”, “career”, “cluster”, “prolook”, “custom”, “industry”, “everybuyer”;

The return his method is a String “123”.