Implementing SDK Navegg’s technology

Integration with Navegg technology is simple and happens by inserting the SDK into the application. It is highly advisable that a professional with programming knowledge to participate in this stage. The following is the SDK implementation:

Version: 1.1.7

1. Adding to your project

An android sdk file is available via in grandle/maven formats. Official documentation


Add the repository to the build.gradle file.

allprojects {
    repositories {
       maven { url '' }

Add the sdk as a dependency for your project.

dependencies {
   implementation 'com.github.Navegg:navegg-android:1.1.18'


Add the repository.


Add any dependencies.


Direct in Android Studio

2. Inserted the permission in  AndroidManifest.xml 

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH"/>

3. Added in MainActivity.Class the import navegg.main.NaveggA that this in site

after the import, declare the API NaveggApi and instantiate new NaveggApi that has two parameters, NaveggApi(Context, ID).

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  • Added the code to set OnBoarding:


Onboarding allows create a relation in database that syncs 1st party keys and 3rd party key.

Parameter “param” values:
prtusride – Email
prtusridc – Personal ID 1 (e.g. SSN);
prtusridr – Personal ID 2 (e.g. DMV);
prtusridt – Phone number;
prtusridf – User’s 1st party ID key;

Parameter “value” is require convert to HASH.



  • Added the code to get data of the user.


The event to get the segment should be declared inside the onCreate() or onResume().

The name of the segments criterias used to passed to parameter:

“gender”, “age”, “education”, “marital”, “income”, “city”, “region”, “country”, “connection”, “brand”, “product”, “interest”, “career”, “custom”, “everybuyer”, “everyone”

The return his method is a String “123”.

  • Added the code to set a custom segment.


Those segments are previously creates in DMP Navegg. After this is possbile mark the user in custom segment.